[ENG.] Towards a maturity of the classical music streaming offer?
Apple has announced the arrival of its "Apple Music Classical" application on 28 March, presenting this new offer as a "game changer". Let's see.
This is a translation from French. Thank you for your indulgence. Any comments or corrections are gratefully received!
[ Ceci est une traduction du français. Merci pour votre indulgence. Toute remarque ou correction sera bienvenue, avec reconnaissance ! ]
This article will be followed by a second one in a few days, which will propose a survey of the quality criteria on which one could judge the value of an online music service in the field of classical music and more generally of any specialized repertoire.
Apple has announced the arrival of its "Apple Music Classical" application on 28 March. On this occasion, I try to lift the veil on some factual elements of the online music business in the field of classical, specialized and heritage repertoires; and on what I had to know and learn about it between 2003 and 2015, not only during the initial period when I worked on the digitisation of a vast catalog of classical music, but also as the creator of the Qobuz platform when we worked with…
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