[ENG.] MQA: the end of a bad idea that claimed to answer a problem that did not exist?
A rather convoluted press release announces that MQA Ltd is now in receivership.
[ Some articles (only) of COUACS.INFO (A “Couac” is the French expression for a Bum Note) will now be available in English. Their title is preceded by [ENG.] The translation being done by “inhouse”, your indulgence is suggested!]
A rather convoluted press release announces that MQA Ltd is now in receivership.
I don't want to appear to be happy about the difficulties of a company, but what is surprising is not that MQA is now in trouble, but that MQA could have been in the news for so long and in such a hollow way, and find so many supporters in an industry (record companies, hardware manufacturers) that had so many other more important issues to deal with.
In a nutshell, MQA's technology aimed to offer a magic encoding for online music (download or streaming) that would allow to pass HiRes quality using less data and thus saving bandwidth, a perennial necessity that MQA seemed to believe in.Expressed in a more brutal way, MQA was thus compressing music, compressing it in a way that was…
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